Archive for July, 2008

The 14 Hour Day

I’m not sure how to organize my thoughts on the past few days of shooting.

First, there are good moments scattered through the day. Really good moments. But they are more like sprinkles on a cookie than the chocolate chips. Many of them – despite their goodness – tend to be distracting or slowing on the filming process. Henceforth they are discouraged. We were sitting in the back lipsynching dramatically to Billy Joel and Queen during the shot in an attempt to save ourselves from the repetitive nature of the scenes we were doing.

Second, the director. The following wisdom is being reinforced:

Stand still, don’t babble, know exactly what you want, be able to communicate exactly what you want, be firm about what you want, trust what you want. This all leads to getting the scene into the can quickly to keep the day moving which in turn keeps the crew’s energy up. They will put their faith into you and endure the process for you.

Also I’m learning that directing is probably the most involved – and therefore interesting – job on the set. I’m aware that your experience as an actor is going to vary with each picture. Currently I’m working on a no-budget film with a non-professional crew. We get a lot done, but in between scenes actors are typically sitting in chairs just so that their arm is in the shot for continuity. I wish I could take advantage of the spare time, but you have to pay attention. I’ve resorted to taking long naps.

Only peice of advice I have for myself is ‘breathe more’.

Now I could think of ten very big things that don’t cook so hot with me on this project. I could also think of many, many ways that the ‘lousy’ aspects of working on this film are exactly what I need. I’m very happy that I’m contributing the the collective interest for real this summer – and anticipating the day when I will not need to use such a acedemic sentence.

Like always, I will do my best to set the standard for everyone else on set. Lift everyone up. Yes. Great. Good.

I did get homesick, by the by. I miss laziness, loudness, old friends, irresponsibility, and vegetables. Those things are home to me.

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